Friday, January 30, 2009

3rd Thing

Okay...Now for THING #3! BLOG SEARCHING!

For my first Blog search I used Technorati. My search term was “green libraries”. I ended up with 956 results. The blog that most appealed to me was actually on the second page of the results. The Blog is There are links to environmental sites as well as tips and articles.
I then used Google’s Blog search. I typed in the same term and got 6 million hits! I thought maybe it was not searching just the Blogs. I then selected the “search the web” option and got 28 million hits! I liked that I could create an email alert for my topic. Some of the same sites appeared on the Google search and the Technorati search. I found a site from the Google search that I really liked. It is The Green Library at I went ahead and subscribed to the RSS feed.
Searching for Blogs is really just like searching for any content on the Web. I am sure if I played around with adding search terms I could have gotten my results to a more manageable number.
So now I can start a Blog, post to a Blog, and find a Blog! I guess I am now almost Blogalicious!

Monday, January 26, 2009

2nd Thing

Okay, 2 down and 21 to go! I have to say that I was a little intimidated with the whole Web 2.0 idea. I am not sure how I feel about participating in the social networking sites. I do see the advantage of doing the exercises to have a greater understanding of what our users are doing. I know that at any given time our users are on Facebook or other social networking sites just a much or more than working on their studies. I can see how these sites can be used to inform our users of upcoming events, etc. I like the idea of RSS feeds, but I want to be careful not to overwhelm my inbox. It will be interesting to look back at these posts to see if my opinion changes during the course of this project! I guess I need to have an "open source" attitude.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

1st of 23 things

One thing down and 22 to go. I started my very first blog and it was much easier than I thought it would be. It will be interesting to see if anyone responds to my messages that are sent out to the electronic stratosphere.